Millennial Success Stories: Sabri Ben Radhia, the entrepreneur and global trotter

Q1) Tell us about yourself & what did you study & most importantly, where are you from: I am the grandson of an immigrant, the son of an immigrant, and finally, I immigrated to Paris 8 years ago. I moved here to work for one of the world's largest student run organization; AIESEC. For which, … Continue reading Millennial Success Stories: Sabri Ben Radhia, the entrepreneur and global trotter

Diminishing patience: Why cryptocurrencies played well with Millennials

Fast paced work lifestyle, a life that is so quick that you barely enjoy every corner of it. Expensive products & services and a low salary received in comparison to cover for your needs. This consequently gives Millennials the feeling that never changes, shaky grounds. We almost never feel secure about things which leads to … Continue reading Diminishing patience: Why cryptocurrencies played well with Millennials