Will European alternatives to the American Tech Giants emerge from all the policy shifting and penalties?

Amadeus was once the European Answer to Sabre in the GDS Airline industry “Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.” These were the words of George S. Patton and his take on what history should serve to us in the present day in … Continue reading Will European alternatives to the American Tech Giants emerge from all the policy shifting and penalties?

Digital Marketing – The Natural Extension of Brands

How stunning is it that everything a brand does today is about digitalization? The business world is transforming its business model into something that we only dreamt of seeing on the Jetsons. When digital marketing was first introduced, it wasn't really taken into consideration as a discipline on its own. Media buying, advertising and PR … Continue reading Digital Marketing – The Natural Extension of Brands

The Corona Virus, a Black Swan investment opportunity?

Before commencing with my article I'd like to wish everyone affected with the Corona Virus the soonest recovery and to whomever lost a person during the outbreak may their souls rest in peace. Hopes are that the whole recovers quickly and swiftly. While the whole world is in its current cautious mindset in anticipation to … Continue reading The Corona Virus, a Black Swan investment opportunity?

Diminishing patience: Why cryptocurrencies played well with Millennials

Fast paced work lifestyle, a life that is so quick that you barely enjoy every corner of it. Expensive products & services and a low salary received in comparison to cover for your needs. This consequently gives Millennials the feeling that never changes, shaky grounds. We almost never feel secure about things which leads to … Continue reading Diminishing patience: Why cryptocurrencies played well with Millennials

Millennial Dilemma (Part two): Picking the right Business School after choosing the right degree

'Picking the right Business School isn’t as tricky as it seems', that is definitely an invalid statement. There are several things to consider before deciding what university to pick & many metrics to look at. Here are a couple tricks I use to identify what is good from what isn’t: Each degree will have a … Continue reading Millennial Dilemma (Part two): Picking the right Business School after choosing the right degree

Goal setting for Millennials

A lot of Millennials and Generation Alpha are at jobs today not knowing why they are there. Their business schools made them think that their dream jobs are being consultants or working for corporation A, B or C. The below practice is good once a year even for those who are sure & satisfied about what they are doing in their lives today.